
Weight loss may boost men's testosterone

For some men, weight loss plays an important role in raising low testosterone levels, a new study finds.
In the study of overweight, middle-aged men with prediabetes, about half of those with low testosterone levels who attempted to lose weight by changing their lifestyle experienced an increase in their testosterone levels.

The findings suggest "doctors should first encourage overweight men with low testosterone levels to try to lose weight through diet and exercise, before resorting to testosterone therapy to raise their hormone levels," said study researcher Dr. Frances Hayes, a professor at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin.

Hayes and colleagues analyzed information from nearly 900 men with prediabetes — a condition in which blood sugar levels are abnormally high, but not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes. The men's average age was 54.

The men were randomly assigned to receive one of three treatments: the diabetes drug metformin, an inactive placebo pill or lifestyle modifications, which consisted of exercising for 150 minutes a week and eating less fat and fewer calories. The researchers said they considered men to have low testosterone if their levels were below 300 nanograms per deciliter of blood.
Among the men assigned to change their lifestyle, about 20 percent had low testosterone levels at the study's start. After one year, that number fell to 11 percent.
Among those taking metformin, 24.8 percent had low testosterone at the beginning of the study, and 23.8 percent still had the condition a year later. For the placebo group, the rate fell from 25.6 percent to 24.6 percent during the study.
Men in the lifestyle modification group lost an average of about 17 pounds over the one-year study, and testosterone levels among men in this group increased 15 percent on average, the researchers said. (Men in the metformin group lost about 6 pounds.)
Losing weight not only reduces the risk of prediabetic men progressing to diabetes but also appears to increase their body's production of testosterone

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives New weight-loss surgery procedures are researched all the time

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives

New weight-loss surgery procedures are researched all the time, and some are less invasive than others.
Weight-loss surgery is very effective for losing a lot of weight and improving or even reversing health conditions like diabetes, but as its name implies, it is surgery. Wouldn’t it be nice to get its benefits without having to undergo as serious or invasive a procedure?

Two weight-loss techniques being performed in other countries — gastric stimulation and stomach balloon — promise the benefits of weight-loss surgery without the complications of an operation. But before you hop on a plane to have one done, studies show these alternative approaches may not provide the solution you’re hoping for.

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives: Do They Work?

These procedures are less invasive than the two most common weight-loss surgeries — gastric bypass surgery and adjustable gastric band surgery — but studies haven’t found that they’re very effective, says Thomas H. Magnuson, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Bariatric Surgery in Baltimore.

What’s more, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved either of the procedures, so you can’t get them in the United States unless they’re being done as part of an investigational study, Dr. Magnuson says.

Here’s an overview of what they are and what risks they may carry.

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives: Implantable Gastric Stimulation

This procedure involves putting electrodes or a pacemaker on the stomach wall and using electrical impulses to induce the sensation of feeling full. However, results haven’t shown it to be any more effective than just cutting calories from your diet.

In one recent study of 190 patients, researchers implanted the gastric stimulator in all the patients, but only turned it on in half of them. At the same time, each participant cut 500 calories from his or her diet and met with a support group every month. After 12 months both groups lost about 12 percent of their extra weight.

“In general, most studies have shown that it doesn’t cause near enough weight loss" compared to the high success rate of weight-loss surgery, Magnuson says.

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives: The Intragastric Balloon

In this technique, an intragastric, or stomach, balloon, is placed in your stomach with an endoscope, a medical tube inserted through the mouth, and is then filled with salt water or air. The inflated balloon creates a feeling of fullness — it takes less food to satisfy you and consequently you lose weight. The balloon can stay in place for six months, but then must be removed because stomach acid can corrode and deflate it.

“It used to be popular in the 1970s and has lost favor,” Magnuson says. “There are certainly potential side effects or complications.” For one, nausea and vomiting may occur for a few days after the balloon is inserted; ulcers and even a case of pancreatitis have been reported. By far the most serious complication is that the balloon can deflate before being removed and there’s a risk that it can become trapped in the bowel and need to be removed surgically, or lead to fatal consequences if it’s not. However, experts say that the balloons used in today’s procedures are safer and carry less risk of severe complications than those used 20 years ago.

But, even when it’s inserted and removed safely, it doesn’t look to be effective for long-term weight loss, Magnuson says. “So far, we haven’t found anything that results in the same reversal of obesity-related medical problems" that weight-loss surgery such as the gastric bypass and adjustable gastric band offer, Magnuson adds.

Weight-Loss Surgery Alternatives: What’s Next?

Doctors are still looking for less invasive ways to get the results of weight-loss surgery. One possibility to help people lose weight, Magnuson says, is a pill that works on hormones in the stomach that control appetite. A magic pill for weight loss? Now that’s something everyone’s been waiting for.

Menstruation: , A Journey Through Your Cycle

Menstruation is the discharge of blood and tissue from the lining of your uterus that occurs at the beginning of your menstrual cycle. Each woman's menstruation cycle varies, but the process is always the same.

Why do I bleed once a month?
It's hormones! Hormones trigger your ovaries to produce and release one egg from either your right or your left ovary. This is called ovulation. Before ovulation occurs, your uterine lining is thickening to prepare for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. If an egg is not fertilized, then the uterine lining sheds. This is called menstruation or your menstrual period.

Why is my period different from Jane's?
Every woman's cycle (the time from the first day of your menstrual period until the first day of your next menstrual period) is different. On average, a woman has her menstrual period for 3-7 days. The average length of a woman's cycle is 28-32 days. This leaves plenty of room for a woman to vary from her neighbor, friend, or co-worker. Women also vary in the severity of symptoms that occur before and during menstruation.

Before and during menstruation:
Approximately 85% of women who menstruate report changes in the days or weeks before their menstruation that cause problems that affect their normal lives. This is known as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

During menstruation, the uterus, which is a muscle, contracts and relaxes more than it does at other times in the month. This can produce the uncomfortable feeling of cramps. Using a heating pad or hot water bottle may help ease some of the discomfort. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as naproxen, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen may also help. Other discomforts during menstruation may include breast tenderness, bloating, headaches, fatigue, mood swings, and food cravings. Some women will experience these symptoms more than others will, and not every woman will experience all of these symptoms.

What if my period is late or I missed my period?
Sometimes a period may come late or be missed for the month. Frequently, a woman's first thought is that she is pregnant. Yes, that could be the case, but there are times when a woman may be late or miss her period for other unsuspected reasons. These reasons include:
Significant weight gain/loss
Hormonal problems
Ceasing to take the birth control pill
Increase in exercise

View and print an Ovulation Calendar to better understand your menstrual cycle and ovulation.

Cervical Cancer

Diseases in the cervix can develop into cancer. This happens when cells grow out of control and can no longer perform their normal functions. Only malignant (cancerous) cells spread. They travel through the body in blood and lymphatic fluid (a yellow liquid derived from tissue fluids found throughout the body). They also spread directly through the tissue next to the cervix. If cancerous cells are found before they have spread, treatment is more likely to succeed.
How common is cervical cancer?
In the United States, cervical cancer accounts for nearly 2.4% of all cancers in women. There are about 9,700 new cases of invasive cervical cancer and 3,700 deaths from cervical cancer each year.
Who is at risk for having cervical cancer?
Women between ages 35-50 are at risk for having cervical cancer because it develops after abnormal cells have been present for several years. Those women who have had a sexually transmitted viral infection (such as genital warts), started having sex before age 18, or have had many sexual partners are also at risk for developing cervical cancer.
What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?
Unfortunately there are often no symptoms to warn you of cervical cancer; however, the following symptoms could be potential warning signs:
Abnormal bleeding, spotting, or discharge from the vagina after intercourse, between periods, or after menopause
Watery, bloody discharge from your vagina; it may be heavy and have an unpleasant odor.
With advanced cancer, there may be pain, problems urinating, and swelling in the legs.
What else could these symptoms mean?
These symptoms could also mean you have dysplasia, which is a type of cervical disorder that occurs when there is a change in the cells on the surface of the cervix. Normal, benign cells are replaced by abnormal cells. Cells exhibiting dysplasia are not cancerous, but these cells can become cancer cells if not treated.
How is cervical cancer diagnosed?
Cervical cancer is diagnosed by a Pap smear. Using a small wooden spatula, brush, or cotton swab, your physician gently scrapes the entire surface of your cervix to gather cells and also takes a cell sample from inside your cervical canal by inserting a brush. The cells are sent to a laboratory for microscopic analysis. A negative result means that your cervix is normal.
A positive result does not necessarily indicate cancer or even dysplasia; but more tests, such as a biopsy, are needed. A biopsy is a procedure in which small pieces of cervical tissue are removed for study. A biopsy most often can be done in the doctor's office or clinic. You may experience mild cramping or a pinching feeling. This test will determine if any cancer exists and has spread to the uterus.
How serious is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is serious if it has spread beyond the uterus. Invasive cervical cancer accounts for 3% of cancer related deaths in American women each year.
How is cervical cancer treated?
Treatment of cervical cancer depends on the size of the tumor and the extent (if any) to which it has spread. Some treatment options include:
Dilation and curettage involves gently scraping your uterine lining for tissue samples to find out whether the cancer has spread to your uterus.
A radical hysterectomy is a procedure in which the surgeon removes the uterus (including the cervix),the upper vagina, surrounding tissue, lymph nodes, and the fallopian tubes. The ovaries may be left in place for younger women.
Radiation therapy involves both radiation delivered by a machine and internal radiation from radioactive material implanted in the uterus or in the upper part of the vagina. These implants are left in the uterus for several days while you remain in the hospital. Side effects may include diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and fatigue.

When should I have a Pap smear?

When should I have a Pap smear?
It is recommended that all women get a Pap smear done within 3 years of becoming sexually active or by age 21. Pap smears should be done every year for at least 3 years, and if they are all normal, your health care provider may change your Pap smear schedule to every 2-3 years. Discuss with your health provider what they recommend for a Pap smear schedule as some still encourage that they are done yearly.
Even if your health care provider recommends you have a Pap smear every 2-3 years, you still should see your gynecologist every year for pelvic exams, information regarding other women’s health issues, and breast exams.
Women should have a Pap smear in the middle of their monthly cycle, or about 10-20 days after the LMP (last menstrual period) began. At least 2 days before the test, women should avoid having anything in the vagina including sexual intercourse, douching, vaginal creams/suppositories, or spermicide. These could interfere with the results of the test and cause an abnormal result.

What happens during a Pap smear?
As part of your pelvic exam, your physician will use a small spatula, brush, or swab to remove a few cells from your cervix. You may feel some discomfort, but it is not painful. The cells are placed on a microscope slide and sent to a lab for results. You can help your clinician obtain a good Pap smear by not having intercourse, not douching, or not using any products/medications in the vaginal area for at least two days prior to the examination.

What do the results of a Pap smear mean?
A negative result means that your cervix is normal.
A positive result indicates the presence of abnormal cells. Your physician may also call this an abnormal Pap. Remember that this is a test, not a diagnosis. A positive result does not prove that you have cancer or even dysplasia (a pre-cancerous condition). However, it usually means you should have further evaluation, such as a colposcopy (microscope used to look into the cervix) or a biopsy (removing a small amount of tissue from the cervix). Your doctor will discuss the results with you.
One in ten Pap smears indicates some abnormality, though most are not serious. Further testing will be required to determine if you have infection, inflammation, a yeast infection, trichomonas, herpes, or the human papilloma virus.
Researchers believe that cervical cancer is directly related to the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV. About 30 types are spread through sexual transmission and can possibly lead to cervical cancer. HPV is the main risk factor for cervical cancer, but most women who receive treatment for abnormal cells caused by HPV, do not develop cervical cancer.
In 2003, the FDA approved a screening test that can be done in conjunction with a Pap smear to determine if you have the HPV virus.The HPV DNA test can detect high risk types of HPV before any abnormal cells can be detected on the cervix. This screening is recommended for women over the age of 30, who are at an increased risk of an HPV infection turning into pre-cancerous cells.
Some Pap smears indicate an unsatisfactory sample because of recent sexual activity or use of vaginal creams and douches. Regardless of the reason, an abnormal Pap will require another Pap smear in a few months. With proper screening, cervical cancer is preventable and avoidable.

What if I am pregnant, and I have an abnormal Pap smear?
A Pap smear is a routine part of your pre-natal care and poses no risk to the fetus. If you have an abnormal Pap during pregnancy your physician will discuss treatments which can be done safely during pregnancy, or depending on diagnosis, delay treatment until after your baby is born. If your physician suggests a colposcopy or cervical biopsy, there can be slight bleeding from the external part of the cervix, but this is not a serious complication.
If your physician is considering doing an internal biopsy into the endocervical canal, there may be a slight risk of a pregnancy complication. But your health care provider has your best interest in mind and will only do what is medically necessary.
Your doctor may perform additional Pap smears during your pregnancy if necessary. Many times the birth of your baby will wash away any abnormal cervical cells.

When can a woman stop having Pap smears performed?
According to the National Cancer Institute, women who are over the age of 70 and have a history of normal Pap smears are very unlikely to develop cervical cancer and therefore can discuss the option of not needing any further pap smears. Women who have had a hysterectomy with both the uterus and cervix removed, for reasons not related to cancer, can also discuss the option of not needing any further Pap smears.

Who needs pap smears more often?
Women who are taking immunosuppressant medications or have a condition that weakens the immune system should have more frequent Pap smears. These women need to discuss what type of testing schedule they should be on with their health care providers.

What is Infertility?

Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children. It affects approximately 6.1 million individuals throughout the United States. The diagnosis of infertility is usually given to couples who have been attempting to conceive for at least 1 year without success.

Conception and pregnancy are complicated processes that depend upon a number of factors, including: 1) the production of healthy sperm by the man, 2) healthy eggs produced by the woman; 3) unblocked fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach the egg; 4) the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they meet; 5) the ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman's uterus; and, 6) sufficient embryo quality.

Finally, for the pregnancy to progress to full term the embryo must be healthy and the woman's hormonal environment adequate for its development

Marriage and Love Life

If you're married or thinking about getting married, at some point or another you've wondered what better sex in marriage would be like or how sex in marriage could be improved.

Keeping the sexual spark alive in a marriage or in a long-term relationship is easier said than done. However, couples who take time to cultivate and maintain healthy and satisfying sexual relations tend to be more connected with each other and do not suffer from depression, heart problems and other health maladies, experts say.

The daily routines of life — whether careers, children or financial responsibilities — challenge couples to keep alive that flame that initially brought them together. From a practical standpoint, there's less time for sex and intimacy as relationships develop and individual partners take on more responsibilities.

Furthermore, aging brings on a host of physical conditions that can affect life in the bedroom. These include sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular conditions, arthritis and rheumatism, and a host of other problems.

Whatever the reasons for brewing trouble in the bedroom — whether emotional or physical in nature — the good news is that many such problems are easily treated. Moreover, troubles in a couple's sexual relationship are often signs of other problems, and can serve as a warning sign for still bigger troubles ahead.

"A good sex life is an important part of an individual's overall health," says Mark Schoen, Ph.D., director of sex education for the Sinclair Intimacy Institute. "People who have a good sex life feel better [mentally and physically].

"Sex can be a wonderful cementer or a terrible wedge" for relationships, says Dr. Linda Banner, Ph.D., a licensed sex therapist specializing in marriage and relationship counseling and a researcher associated with Stanford University Medical School.

Health Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress.

For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.

If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually do more strenuous activity.How Physical Activity Impacts Health
Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States.
•  Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
• Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease.
• Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
• Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
• Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
 • Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
• Reduces feelings of depression and          anxiety.
• Helps control weight.
• Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
• Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
• Promotes psychological well-being.

Specific Health Benefits of ExerciseHeart Disease and Stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity.High Blood Pressure. Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduces body fatness, which is associated with high blood pressure.Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes. By reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes.Obesity. Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases.Back Pain. By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain.Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging.Psychological Effects. Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is likely to reduce depression and anxiety and help you to better manage stress.

The Top 10 Health Benefits of Kissing...

Have been documented in medical studies offering amazing advantages for a long and healthy life.
Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don’t.
Kissing is great for self-esteem. 

It makes you feel appreciated and helps your state of mind.

Kissing burns calories, 2-3 calories a minute and can double your metabolic rate.

Research claims that three passionate kisses a day (at least lasting 20 seconds each) will cause you to loose an entire extra pound! It's time to start that kissing diet!

Kissing is a known stress-reliever. Passionate kissing relieves tension, reduces negative energy and produces a sense of well being, lowering your cortisol ‘stress’ hormone.

Kissing uses 30 facial muscles and it helps keep the facial muscles tight, preventing baggy cheeks! The  tension in the muscles caused by a passionate kiss helps smooth the skin and increases the circulation.

Kissing is good for the heart, as it creates an adrenaline which causes your heart to pump more blood around your body. Frequent kissing has scientifically been proven to stabilize cardiovascular activity, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol.

Those who kiss quite frequently are less likely to suffer from stomach, bladder and blood infections.
During a kiss, natural antibiotics are secreted in the saliva. Also, the saliva contains a type of anesthetic  that helps relieve pain.

Kissing reduces anxiety and stops the 'noise' in your mind. It increases the levels of oxytocin, an extremely calming hormone that produces a feeling of peace.
The endorphins produced by kissing are 200 times more powerful than morphine.

Why antibiotics may not help most sinus infections

Ask any scientist to list history's greatest discoveries, and he or she will likely include antibiotics. Antibiotics are medicines made from certain bacteria, fungi or other organisms that can kill or weaken other organisms that attack our bodies. Penicillin is the first and most well known antibiotic. Since its discovery, countless lives have been spared from diseases that used to be killers.
For a time, antibiotics were thought to cure almost everything, even cancer. While it would be great, we now know this isn't true. And we're learning more every day. Like this: A new study says that antibiotics may not cure most sinus infections.

What is sinusitis?
It's often called a "sinus infection," and it means there's inflammation or swelling in one or more of a person's sinuses. Sinuses are small spaces in the forehead and cheekbones. They're filled with air, and their job is to make mucus. When we're healthy, this mucus drains into our noses. When our sinuses are inflamed, the drainage stops and the misery starts. Then we have sinusitis – an infection of our sinuses.
Many things can cause sinusitis. That's why one thing may not be enough to treat it. Allergies, pollen, bacteria, pollution, dust, viruses – the list of what can irritate our sinuses and set off an infection goes on and on.

Signs of sinusitis include:
Nasal congestion
Runny nose/nasal discharge
Postnasal drip (mucus drips down the throat from the nose)
Sore throat
Bad breath

Sinusitis is so common in the United States that 1 of every 5 antibiotic prescriptions written is to treat it. But it looks like those prescriptions may not be the right answer in many cases.
Bacteria and viruses: two different things

There are two "usual suspects" doctors turn to first when dealing with an illness. The first group is bacteria. The second is viruses. Bacteria and viruses aren't the same things. So, bacterial infections and viral infections aren't the same, either.
Unfortunately, antibiotics don't work on a viral infection. That's why doctors don't always give us prescriptions for antibiotics: sometimes we have something viral.
Now, researchers are finding that sinus infections can be either bacterial or viral.
And lately, more scientists seem to be thinking that viruses are to blame for most sinus infections.
A new medical study: antibiotics don't work on sinus infections.

The most conclusive study so far was published in the February 15, 2012 . It's by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and covered 166 adults with sinus infections. Over 10 days, one group of patients was treated with amoxicillin, a popular antibiotic. The other was treated with a placebo, which is a "fake" pill sometimes called a sugar pill. If they needed it, both groups also got over-the-counter remedies for their symptoms – headache, stuffy nose and sinuses, coughs, fever, etc.
At the end of the 10 days, it was clear that patients taking amoxicillin didn't feel better sooner, or recover any faster, than those who were getting the placebo.
Dr. Jane M. Garbutt, the study's lead author, said, "We hope this study provides scientific evidence that doctors can use with patients to explain that an antibiotic is not likely to help an acute sinus infection."
"I think more often than not, these infections are viral, so antibiotics aren't going to help," Garbutt said. While some sinus infections may actually come from bacteria, she said, it's hard to tell a bacterial infection from a viral one. Basically, the only way to know is to draw a sample from a person's sinus, and that would take surgery.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agrees. The CDC's website says viral sinusitis often occurs after a cold (which is a virus) and usually lasts for less than four weeks. Bacterial sinusitis can cause symptoms for up to 12 weeks.
No matter which kind you may have, a growing number of experts think it's best to watch and wait.
Why not take antibiotics just in case?

Besides the fact that taking antibiotics for sinusitis means spending money on medicine that may not help you, more and more studies say you could be risking your future health. Why?
It appears that more and more kinds of bacteria aren't being killed by antibiotics anymore. In medical terms, they're becoming "resistant" to the drugs.
Each time you take an antibiotic, the bacteria that usually live in your body are more likely to become resistant to antibiotics. In time, common antibiotics can't kill infections caused by these resistant germs.
The CDC is very concerned about resistance to antibiotics. From a public-health point of view, resistance could be a disaster. Overuse of antibiotics has already led to the rise of drug-resistant infections like MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Fighting MRSA is creating a lot more work at hospitals these days.
So while sinus infections make us feel terrible, if we were to build resistance to antibiotics by over-using them to treat sinus infections, what might happen if we're faced with a bacteria-caused epidemic and no one responds to the drugs?
If you'd like to learn more about this very important issue, the CDC offers an excellent series of questions and answers about antibiotic resistance here. It really is something we all need to think about.
Researchers know people aren't going to like this "wait and see" approach to such a "nasty disease," as Garbutt describes it. She said: "People have significant symptoms. They feel miserable and miss time from work. If an antibiotic is not going to be of any benefit, then what is? That's a question we haven't answered yet. But we are working on it."
Bottom line?

The CDC says a doctor should never give an antibiotic until symptoms have gone on for at least seven days. In light of this new research, your doctor may want to wait even longer before writing a prescription. Even though it may not be what you want, if your doctor wants to wait, he or she is doing it for your long-term health. Besides: if your sinusitis is viral, an antibiotic won't help anyway.
Other options for relief

Some people say they feel less congested when they drink hot fluids. Others find some relief from warm, wet compresses on their faces. Still others use warm-water vaporizers. Decongestant nasal sprays can help, though no one should use them for more than a few days. It's too easy to become dependent on them.
Several safe and "more-natural" options are out there, and many people report good results with them. One choice is a saline (salt) nasal spray. Another is a "neti pot." A neti pot looks like a little teapot. Its spout is used to gently pour warm saline solution – a mix of salt and water – into the nostrils. Neti pots, saline sprays, and their cousins, the more-powerful saline nasal rinses can help flush mucus out of sinuses. Clearing mucus, especially infected mucus, out of clogged sinuses brings great relief.
Over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen can help ease sinus swelling and the face pain it brings. But doctors say you should also try to clear your nasal passages, because it will help ease symptoms and clear the infection.

When to see a doctor, recommends you see a doctor or healthcare provider if you have:
A temperature of more than 100.4° F.
Symptoms that last more than 10 days.
Multiple episodes of sinusitis in a year.
Symptoms that over-the-counter medicines can't ease.
If your child is younger than three months of age and has a fever, always call your healthcare provider right away.

Top 5 ways to avoid a sinus infection
Keep your hands clean – regular hand washing is still the best way to fight disease.
Keep yourself and your family up to date with recommended immunizations.
Avoid close contact with people who have colds or other upper respiratory infections.
Avoid smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke, and don't expose children to second hand-smoke.
Use a clean humidifier to moisten the air at home.

Giving blood means giving life

Have you ever given blood? If you have, consider yourself a hero. The World Health Organization, WHO, already does.

"Every blood donor is a hero" is the theme of World Blood Donor Day 2012. The day honors the people who save lives every day through blood donations. It helps raise awareness of the great need for safe blood and blood products. It also reminds more people around the world to volunteer to donate blood. The day is celebrated on June 14 each year. But blood is needed every day.

The American Red Cross reports that every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. A single car accident victim may need as many as 100 pints.

The transfusion of blood helps save millions of lives a year. It can help people with life-threatening conditions live longer, or have a better quality of life. It also helps support many medical treatments.
A blood transfusion is the delivery of blood or blood products into a patient's bloodstream. There are many reasons people need transfusions. Among them are surgery, injury, cancer and other illnesses, and severe burns.

In addition, more than one million people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during chemotherapy. And sickle cell disease affects more than 80,000 people in the U.S. Sickle cell patients may need frequent blood transfusions.
As the experts at explain, scientists are working to develop an artificial blood. But so far, there is no substitute for human blood. People in need depend on the generosity of donors.

Did you know one unit of blood can help more than one person?
Patients may need whole blood, or just parts of the blood. This allows several patients to benefit from one pint of donated whole blood.

Today, we take blood transfusions for granted. But it took hundreds of years of work to make them safe and effective. As recently as 1873, doctors were trying to use milk in transfusions.

One of the biggest advances was the discovery of blood types in the early 1900s. While all blood is made up of the same basic elements, not all blood is alike. In fact, there are eight different common blood types.
Safe transfusing depends on identifying the blood type. It also requires careful matching of the donor to the recipient. When they are not matched, it can cause serious problems. The patient's immune system may attack the transfused blood.

What does it take to donate blood?
First of all, it takes a person who cares about others. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day. Beyond that, the basic guidelines are simple. You need to be healthy. Illnesses such as diabetes may not keep you from giving if they are controlled. You need to be at least 16 or 17 years of age. It depends on which state you call home. And you need to weigh more than 110 pounds.

Donating blood is very safe. You even get a free mini-physical.
The process includes four steps: registration, medical history and mini-physical, donation, and refreshments. Every donor is given a mini-physical. It checks the donor's temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and level of iron in the blood. These steps make sure it is safe for the donor to give blood.
A sterile needle is used only once for each donor and then discarded. You cannot contract AIDS from donating blood.Many steps keep the blood supply safe.

Over a dozen tests are performed on each unit of donated blood. Some identify the blood type. Others test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other infectious diseases. If a test result is positive, the blood is discarded, and the donor is notified. Test results are confidential. They are shared only with the donor, except as may be required by law.

When you give blood, what you're really doing is giving the gift of life. So let World Blood Donor Day be your inspiration. Do something heroic and donate blood.

Low Cholesterol Food Options

High-cholesterol is a situation that will result in heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents by blocking arterial passages. Inheritance, life-style and diseases for example diabetes can increase the threat of high blood pressure levels. Nutritional choices may also have an effect on blood cholesterol levels. Starting a low cholesterol diet plan may assist manage cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart illness. Verify with your medical doctor prior to beginning a low cholesterol diet regime.

Lean Proteins
Go for lean turkey, chicken, fish and beef as lean protein sources instead of pork and fatty beef cuts, that are high in bad fats that may bump up cholesterol levels and facilitate heart illness. Individuals who select not to consume meat can use tofu, seitan (wheat gluten), legumes and low-fat dairy goods as protein sources, based on the Vegetarian Resource Group.

In accordance with Catherine Jones, author of "Eating for Lower Cholesterol," soups can also add range to a low-cholesterol diet. Use vegetable broth as a soup base rather than beef or chicken broth, which are generally high in unhealthy fats. Add lean meats, vegetables and yolk-free egg noodles. Flavor soups with red pepper cayenne and garlic cloves, which might assist lower blood cholesterol levels.

Although avocados are greater in fat content as compared with a lot of fruits, the fats consist of high-density lipoproteins, which are the "good" elements of blood cholesterol. Based on the World's Healthiest Foods web site, avocados include oleic acid, which might help clear low-density lipoproteins, or "bad" cholesterol, from the blood stream. These fruits could be employed in guacamole, salads, burritos, sandwiches and soups.

Add whole grains and beans to a low-cholesterol diet regime strategy. Beans and whole grains include dietary fiber, which might aid reduce cholesterol levels inside the blood stream. Pick whole-grain pastas, lentils, chickpeas, grain breads, kidney beans and black beans. Avoid white breads and pastas, that are stripped of their dietary fiber content material during the refining process.

Fruit Shakes
Fruit drinks are an straightforward way to get a your every day fruit with further healthy supplements too. Finding seasonally available fruits is the way to go. Not just is this much better for the neighborhood economy and also the environment, nearby and organically created fruits taste much better. Adding spinach gives smoothies additional vitamins and minerals but will not impact the taste. Moreover, as opposed to adding milk or yogurt, attempt low fat vanilla rice milk or coconut milk. Flaxseed and chia seeds may be combined with smoothies also to boost the fiber content although offering additional nutrients, texture and flavor

Yet another high fiber, zero cholesterol food are legumes. This consists of black and kidney beans, lentils as well as split peas.

Seeds And Nuts
Whilst they can be high in fat, nuts don't include any cholesterol. Several nuts and seeds also include Omega-3 fatty acids, which will help decrease the accumulation of cholesterol within the blood vessels.

Liquid Oils
Plant-based oils that stay liquid at area temperature contain no cholesterol or saturated fats, which can increase the production of cholesterol in the body. Examples of those sorts of oils are olive oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil, walnut oil and flaxseed oil. Oil from seeds and nuts, such as flaxseed and walnut oil, also contain Omega-3 efas.

Animal Goods
Although all animal products include some cholesterol, these using the lowest levels include oysters, halibut, cod, scallops and yogurt.

What are the effects of alcohol on women?

Research has shown that the sexual effects of alcohol are different for men and women. This is likely the result of both physical and social differences in the way women’s bodies and men’s bodies react to alcohol and respond sexually.

Not surprisingly, the amount of alcohol consumed has a large impact on whether there will be negative sexual effects of alcohol for women. Most of the research in this area has been with women who are, or were alcoholics. The main effects for these women of alcohol on sexuality are:

  • Reduced sexual arousal
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm, achieving orgasm less frequently
  • Overall lower sexual satisfaction as compared to non-alcoholics
The actual number of alcoholic women who have these difficulties is hard to tell, as researchers numbers vary wildly. Some estimates are as high as 30-40% of alcoholic women having arousal problems, and 15% having difficulty achieving orgasm.

Is Your Penis Curving?

What causes the curve?
Peyronie’s occurs due to a plaque that builds up in your penis, says Dr. Carson. It typically starts out as a localized inflammation, which then progresses to hardened scar tissue that reduces flexibility and causes your penis to bend during erection. “Peyronie’s disease can often result from an injury during sex,” Dr. Carson says. But realistically, anything that causes vascular trauma or injury to the penis, such as athletic activity or an accident, can receive the blame,

How does it affect your package?
Once the scar tissue begins to harden into a plaque, the tissue tethers the shaft into a curved position, because that section is no longer as elastic as the rest of the penis. “The curve can be anything from minimal up to almost 90 degrees,” says Dr. Carson. “The [penises] that usually need treatment have 30 degrees or more of curvature.”

Can it screw up your sex life?
You bet. Things start getting painful when your penis becomes erect, making sex more difficult for you and your partner, says Dr. Carson. But the pain associated with an erection usually only lasts for the first 4 to 6 months. So most men can continue sex, but it’s just not as pleasurable

What are the current treatment options?
Unfortunately, there are no approved oral medications that actually work, Dr. Carson says. Patients are usually put on Potaba, a drug that reached the market before the FDA required proof of effectiveness. “When oral treatments don’t work, which they usually don’t, docs recommend Interferon, another injected treatment,” says Dr. Carson. But again, Interferon can’t guarantee a cure.
Case in point: One study, published in the journal European Urology, found that after treating 25 Peyronie’s partients with injections for five weeks, researchers saw a 28 percent decrease in the size of the plaque. Yet when the same researchers conducted the study 2 years later on a group of 30 men, no decrease in plaque size was reported.
If the docs exhaust every other option (and the case is extreme enough), surgery is a last resort. “There are three basic operations that we do: Two are based on just straightening the penis, and the third is a penile implant,” says Dr. Carson. But again, he pegs surgery at a 75 percent success rate, and each option may lead to erectile dysfunction and shortening of the penis

4 Ways to Look Younger

Botox isn’t just for sugar mamas: Between 2000 and 2'ber of men undergoing the procedure skyrocketed 258 percent, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Wrinkly, aged skin is never sexy, but then neither is a frozen face. Even if you don’t have a needle phobia, brotox comes with a hefty price tag and some serious recoup time. So avoid the needles—here are four natural ways to instantly look younger and sharper

Build Your Brows
Neglect your brows and you can wind up looking a helluva lot older than you are. Groom them correctly, and you’re left with an instant lift around your eyes, says Katy Walsh of Salon Pour Hommes in New York City. Remember: “Work with what you have,” recommends Jessica Coba, CEO and cofounder of European Wax Center. “If your brows are naturally straight, stick with that. If they have a bit of an arch, shape it up as best you can.”

The older we get, the less hydrated our skin becomes, says Coba. The consequence: dead skin cells and a dull appearance. Exfoliate to slough away dead skin and leave the area rejuvenated, she says. The ingredient  to look for in an exfoliant: hyaluronic acid. “It holds moisture, and fruit enzymes remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover

Add Water
Hydrating your skin takes more than slabbing on lotion. Make it a morning and nightly routine to lock in moisture for good. 

Top 10 Bizzare Medical Anomalies

Diprospus (sometimes called Craniofacial duplication) is a rare disorder in which the face is duplicated on the head (as in the picture above). This is not to be confused with fetus in fetu (item 9) which is a joining of two separate fetuses; diprosopus is caused by a protein called (believe it or not) “sonic hedgehog homolog”. The odd name is due to a controversial tradition in molecular biology to use unusual names for genes. The protein determines the makeup of the face, and when there is too much of it, you get a second face in a mirror image. If you do not have enough of the protein, you can end up with underdeveloped facial features. Children with this defect are normally stillborn, but a young girl, Lali Singh, born in 2008 survived for 2 full months before dying of a heart attack.
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The man pictured above is Sanju Bhagat aged 36 from India. He is fully pregnant with his own twin. Because Sanju lacked a placenta, the fetus inside him attached directly to his blood supply. Doctors delivered the twin which was severely malformed and did not survive. Fetus in fetu is an extremely rare disorder in which a twin somehow becomes connected (internally or partly externally) to its twin while still in the womb. In some cases the fetus in fetu will remain inside the host twin unknown until it begins to cause problems. In more common cases, the signs are visible from the outset and are often initially confused with cysts or cancers. In a recent case a 7 year old boy was discovered to be carrying his twin when his parents noticed that something was moving in his stomach. You can read more about that here.
8 . Proteus Syndrome
The Elephant Man (Joseph Merrick) is probably the most famous case of Proteus Syndrome. The disease causes excessive bone growth, excessive skin growth, and frequently comes with tumors. Only 200 cases have been confirmed worldwide since the disease was officially discovered in 1979. It is possible to have a minor form of this disease which can go undiagnosed. The case of the Elephant Man has been the sole reason that this disease is so widely known. Sufferers have normal brain function and intelligence.
7. Möbius Syndrome
Möbius Syndrome is a rare disorder in which the facial muscles are paralyzed. In most cases the eyes are also unable to move from side to side. The disease prevents a sufferer from having any facial expressions, which can make them appear to be uninterested or “dull” – sometimes leading to people thinking they are rude. Sufferers have completely normal mental development. The causes are not fully understood and there is no treatment aside from addressing the symptoms (such as an inability to feed as a baby).
6. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome
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Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome (progeria) will be familiar to people old enough to remember the television program That’s Incredible from the ’80s in which a young sufferer of the disorder appeared. The disease causes premature aging – so rapidly that a young child can look like a very old man (or, if I may be so callous as to point out the obvious, an alien – as in the photograph above). The disease is especially interesting for scientists as it may lend clues to the natural aging process in man. The disease is caused by a genetic mutation, and does not pass from parent to child. There is no known cure, and most children with the disease do not live beyond the age of thirteen – usually dying of stroke or heart attack (diseases usually associated with old age).

5 . Cutaneous Porphyria
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Cutaneous porphyria is a disorder that causes blisters, excess hair, swelling, and necrosis of the skin. It can cause red colored teeth and fingernails, and after exposure to sun, urine can turn purple, pink, brown, or black. The disease is thought to be connected to the many werewolf and vampire legends of the past, where a sufferer (who would have lived apart from society) might have been confused for a monster. The disease is part of the more general group of disorders called porphyrias which cover a range of mental and physical disorders due to the overproduction of certain enzymes in the body. The disease gets its name from the Greek word “porphura” which means “purple pigment”.
4. Elephantiasis
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First off, note the spelling – it is Elephant-iasis not Elephant-itis as many people wrongly think. Elephantiasis is a thickening of the skin (as opposed to proteus syndrome which is a thickening of the bones as well as the skin). Unfortunately, this is a disease that any one of us can get as it is caused by parasitic worms passed on through mosquito bites. It is, consequently, not uncommon in tropical regions and Africa. A slightly different form of the disease is caused through contact with certain types of soil. In some parts of Ethiopa, up to 6% of the population suffers from the disorder. It is one of the most common disabilities in the world. Efforts to eradicate the disease are well underway and it is hoped that it will be successfully relegated to the annals of history by 2020.
3. Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP for short) is a very rare disease that causes parts of the body (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to turn to bone when they are damaged. This can often cause damaged joints to fuse together, preventing movement. Unfortunately surgical removal of the bone growths is ineffective as the body “heals” itself by recreating the removed bone. To make matters worse, the disease is so rare that it is often misdiagnosed as cancer, leading doctors to perform biopsies which can spark off worse growth of these bone-like lumps. The most famous case is Harry Eastlack whose body was so ossified by his death that he could only move his lips. His skeleton is now on display at the Mütter Museum. There is no cure.
2 .Lewandowsky-Lutz Dysplasia
Lewandowsky-Lutz Dysplasia (also known as Epidermodysplasia verruciformis) is an extremely rare inheritable disorder in which warts form on the skin. It normally affects the hands and feet and while it can start in middle ages, it normally begins between the ages of one and twenty. There is no known effective treatment for the disease though surgery can be used to remove the warts. Unfortunately, after surgery the warts begin to return and it is estimated that a sufferer would need at least two surgeries per year to remove them each time they grow back. In 2007 a sufferer had surgery for the disease and thirteen pounds (5.8 kilos) of warts were removed. 95% of the warts were removed.
Diphallia (also known as Penile Duplication) is a condition in which a male is born with two penises. It is a rare disorder with only 1,000 cases recorded. Sufferers are also at a higher risk of spina bifida than men with one penis. A person with diphallia can urinate from one or both of his penises. In most cases, both penises are side by side and the same size, but occasionally one smaller penis will sit atop another larger one. One in 5.5 million men in the United States have two penises.